The Golden Ball and other Stories

Dodd, Mead & Co., New York, 1971

The Listerdale Mystery

see "The Listerdale Mystery"

The Girl in the Train

see "The Listerdale Mystery"

The Manhood of Edward Robinson

see "The Listerdale Mystery"

Jain in Search of a Job

see "The Listerdale Mystery"

A Fruitful Sunday

see "The Listerdale Mystery"

The Golden Ball

see "The Listerdale Mystery"

The Rajah's Emerald

see "The Listerdale Mystery"

Swan Song

see "The Listerdale Mystery"

The Hound of Death

see "The Hound of Death"

The Gypsy

see "The Hound of Death"

The Lamp

see "The Hound of Death"

The Strange Case of Sir Arthur Carmichael

see "The Hound of Death"

The Call of Wings

see "The Hound of Death"

Magnolia Blossam

see "Problem at Pollensa Bay"

Next to a Dog

see "Problem at Pollensa Bay"

UK/US covers

Dodd, Mead and Company

Dell Books

Berkley Books

other publishers

Western Europe covers

Die goldene Kugel und andere seltsame Fälle

German index

Northern Europe covers

Southern Europe covers

A Mina de Ouro

Portuguese index

Coleção L&PM E-books

Златната топка и други раскази

former Yugoslavia index

Eastern Europe covers

Az arany labda

Hungarian index

Золотий м'яч та інші розповіді

Золотой мяч и другие рассказы

Russian index

Middle East & Asian covers


Thai index

Quả cầu vàng

Vietnamese index