Dodd, Mead & Co., New York, 1948
Three Blind Mice
Strange Jest
see "Miss Marple's Final Cases"
The Tape-Measure Murder
see "Miss Marple's Final Cases"
The Case of the Perfect Maid
see "Miss Marple's Final Cases"
The Case of the Caretaker
see "Miss Marple's Final Cases"
The Third Floor Flat
see "Poirot's Early Cases"
The Adventure of Johnny Waverly
see "Poirot's Early Cases"
Four-and-Twenty Blackbirds
see "The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding"
The Love Detectives
see "Problem at Pollensa Bay"
UK/US covers
Dodd, Mead and Company
- Dodd, Mead & Co., 1948; Hardcover
Dell Books
- Dell Books (633), 1952; with mapback
- Dell Books (D354), 1961; ca: William Teason; ♦Sheldon Goldberg
- Dell Books, 1965; ca: William Teason
- Dell Books, 1974; ISBN:9780440058601; ♦Sheldon Goldberg
- Dell Books, 1977; ISBN:9780440158608; ♦Sheldon Goldberg
- Dell Books, 1983; ISBN:9780440158677
- Dell Books, 1989; ca: William Teason; ♦Sheldon Goldberg
Berkley Books
- Berkley Books, 1984
- Berkley Books; ISBN:9780425068069
- Berkley Books, 1986
- Berkley Books
other Publishers
- G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1985; Winterbrook edition; Hardcover; ISBN:9780396087076
- St.Martin, 2001; ISBN:9780312979768
- G.K.Hall, 1988
- ca: Nick Gaetano
- William Morrow Paperbacks, 2012; ISBN:9780062074423
- Center Point Pub, 2013; Library Binding; Hardcover; ISBN:9781611737776
- Vallardi, 2022; Kindle Edition
Western Europe covers
Trois souris...
Le Masque (#1786) 1985
- Le Masque, 1985
- Le Masque, 1992
- Masque Christie, 2010; ISBN:9782702416082
- Masque Christie, 2017; ISBN:9782702448625
Club des Masques (#582) 1987
- Club des Masques, 1987; ISBN:9782702417782
- Club des Masques, 2000
Le Livre de Poche (#6288) 1987
- Le Livre de Poche, 1987
- Le Livre de Poche, 2003; ISBN:9782253040712
- Le Livre de Poche; ISBN:9782253040712
- Le Livre de Poche, 2022; ISBN:9782253939450
other publishers
- Bonne Soiree, 1996; ISBN:9782911750113
De Muizeval en andere verhalen
- Sijthoff, 1970?; ♦Paula Dekkers
- Sijthoff
- Grote Letter Bibliotheek, 2018; ISBN:9789036434256
Die Mausefalle und andere Fallen
- Scherz
- Scherz, 1972
- Scherz, 1973
- Scherz, 1977
- Scherz, 1984
- Scherz, 1991
- Scherz, 1994
- Scherz, 1998; ▶ Art
- Scherz, 1999
- Scherz
- Scherz, 1987
- Scherz
- Goldmann, 1978
- Goldmann
- Bertelsmann
- Fischer, 2003
- Weltbild
- Hachette, 2011
Northern Europe covers
Tre blinda möss
Tre blinde mus
- Aschehoug, 1975
- Aschehoug, 1991
- Aschehoug, 2009
Þrjár blindar mýs
Southern Europe covers
Tre topolini ciechi e altre storie
- Mondadori
- Mondadori, 1981
- Mondadori: Oscar scrittori moderni
- Mondadori, 2003; Oscar scrittori moderni
- Mondadori, 2013; ebook; ISBN:9788852041587
- Mondadori, 2019; Oscar gialli; ISBN:9788804710837
- Mondadori, 2020; Oscar Moderni; ISBN:9788804736912
- Hachette Fascicoli, 2006
- Mondadori, 2021; Oscar junior; ISBN:9788804738848
Three blind mice
- Vallardi A., 2022; ISBN:9788855056571
Tres ratones ciegos
- Biblioteca Oro(#325), 1970
- Biblioteca Oro(#134), 1957
- Biblioteca Oro(#134), 1961; ♦Pablo Ramirez Jr.
- Biblioteca Oro(#134), 1981
- Molino
- RBA, 2005; ISBN:9788478712502
- RBA, 2008; ISBN:9788498672428
- RBA, 2010
- RBA, 2010
- Planeta, 2013
- Planeta
- Molino, 2004; ISBN:9788427298309
- La Nacion, 2007
- Booket, 2008
- Booket; ebook; ISBN:9789875809291
- RBA, 2012; ISBN:9788490062326
- RBA (EPUB, 2013)
- RBA, 2014; ISBN:9788490561300
- Booket, 2021; Biblioteca Agatha Christie; ISBN:9788408244479
- Planeta, 2022; ISBN:9786070744785
Tres ratolins cecs
- La llar de llibres(#1), 1993
- La llar de llibres(#1)
Os Três Ratos Cegos e Outras Histórias / Três ratos cegos e outros contos
Os Três Ratos Cegos e Outras Histórias
- Nova Fronteira, 1979
- Record, 1987; ISBN:9788511516210
- Record, 1995; ISBN:9788501155245
Três ratos cegos e outros contos
- Grobo Livros, 2014; ISBN:9788525056030
- Coleção Folha O Melhor de Agatha Christie #16, 2019; ISBN:9788579493775
- HarperCollins Brasil, 2022; ISBN:9786555112504
Η ποντικοπαγίδα / Τρία τυφλά ποντίκια
Η ποντικοπαγίδα
- Λυχνάρι, 2002; ISBN:9789605170172
- Λυχνάρι, 2012; ISBN(10):9605170175
- Αιγόκερως, 2013
- Παρασκήνιο, 2015
- Καλοκάθη, 1997
Τρία τυφλά ποντίκια
- Ερμείας
- Ερμείας
- Ερμείας, 2000; ISBN:9789602160176
Tri slijepa miša
- V.D.T. (Zagreb), 2006; ISBN:9789536838400; ♦Svetlana Andjelic
Tre minj të verbër / Zonja e krimit
- Glob?, 1993?
- Dituria, 2018; ISBN:9789992747560
Eastern Europe covers
Tři slepé myšky
- Knižní klub, 2016; ISBN:9788024252001
- Knižní klub, 2016; ISBN:9788024252018
Három vak egér
- Európa Kiadó, 2004; Madaras Sorozat; ♦Viktoria Sugar
- Európa Kiadó, ; Madaras Sorozat
- Európa Kiadó, 2016; Európa-Ponyvák; ISBN:9789634053903
Три слепи мишлета
- АБАГАР, 1996
Trzy ślepe myszki
- Wydawnictwo Dolnośląskie, 2017; Agatha Christie Kolekcja Kryminałów; ISBN:9788327157195
Три сліпих мишеняти та інші розповіді
Три слепых мышонка и другие рассказы
Центрполиграф: Полное собрание детективных произведений, 1999
Middle East & Asian covers
Fare Kapanı
- Fare Kapanı, Altın Kitaplar, 1974
- Fare Kapanı, Altın Kitaplar
- Fare Kapanı, Altın Kitaplar, 1980
- Fare Kapanı, Altın Kitaplar, 1990
- Fare Kapanı, Altın Kitaplar, 2006; ISBN:9789754052107
ثلاثة فئران عمياء وقصص أخرى / ثلاثة فئران عمياء
ثلاثة فئران عمياء وقصص أخرى
- JARIR Reader, 2009
ثلاثة فئران عمياء
- دار النجمة
- دار النجمة
سه موش کور
- ویدا
থ্রি ব্লাইন্ড মাইস
- থ্রি ব্লাইন্ড মাইস; প্রথমা প্রকাশন, 2017; ISBN:9789849300175
- থ্রি ব্লাইন্ড মাইস; প্রথমা প্রকাশন, 2017; ISBN:9789849300175
- สร้างสรรค์บุ๊คส์; ISBN:9786162200861
三只瞎老鼠 / 捕鼠器
- 新星出版社(阿加莎·克里斯蒂侦探作品集60), 2019; ISBN:9787513332347
- 人民文学出版社(阿加莎·克里斯蒂侦探推理系列), 2010; ISBN:9787020081974
愛の探偵たち / 二十四羽の黒ツグミ
- 早川書房, 1980, 1993(24th); ハヤカワ・ミステリ文庫(HM1-55); ca: Hiroshi Manabe
- 早川書房, 2004; クリスティー文庫(61); ISBN:9784151300615
- 創元推理文庫, 1966, 1975(26th)
- 創元推理文庫, 1966, 1991(56th); ISBN:9784488105358; ca: ひらいたかこ
- 国土社(てのり文庫), 1993
- 国土社(海外SFミステリー傑作選), 1995
- 国土社(少年SF・ミステリー文庫 11), 1983
- 学研, 1964
- 学研, 1972
- 岩崎書店
- 지소림문고, 1976
- 지소림文庫社, 1976
- 자유문학사, 1977; ▶ Art
- 동서문화사 ; 1978
- 아카데미, 1984
- 풍림출판사, 1985
- 일신서적출판사(IL.SIN MYSTERY COLLECTION 23), 1988; ISBN:9788936604233
- 자유시대사, 1988
- 해문출판사, 1989; ISBN:9788938202383
- 세진출판사, 1989
- 해문(팬더추리걸작시리즈 30), 1991; ISBN:9788938201300
- 해문출판사, 1991
- 은광사, 1991
- 유진, 1992
- 은광사, 1994
- 해문출판사 펴냄, 1994
- 가교, 1994
- 시사영어사, 1996
- 유진, 1998
- 해문출판사(애거서 크리스티 추리문학 베스트 3), 2002; ISBN:9788938201034
- 동서문화사, 2003
- 황금가지(애거서 크리스티 전집 15), 2004; ISBN:9788982737152
- 황금가지: 애거서 크리스티 전집(15), 2017
- 眞話堂, 1984
- 豊林, 1985
- 임마누엘, 1985
- 세마리눈먼쥐, 아카데미사, 1983
- 죽음의 멜로디, 교학사, 1994
- 죽음의 멜로디, 교학사, 1999
- 뉴런, 2014