Evil under the Sun
To John
In memory of our last season in Syria.
Collins, London, Jun. 1941
Dodd, Mead & Co., New York, Oct. 1941
Collier's Weekly, Dec.14 1940 - Feb.22 1941


It was not unusual to find the beautiful bronzed body of the sun-loving Arlena Stuart stretched out on a beach, face down. Only, on this occasion, there was no sun...she had been strangled.
Ever since Arlena's arrival at the resort, Hercule Poirot had detected sexual tension in the seaside air. But could this apparent 'crime of passion' have been something more evil and premeditated altogether?


Odell Gardener • Myra Gardener • Arlena Marshall • Captain Marshall • Linda Marshall • Patrick Redfern • Christine Redfern • Horace Blatt • Daphne Castle • Hercule Poirot

Films & TV

Evil under the Sun, UK, 1982
Film list
Evil under the Sun, ITV/UK, 2001
Agahta Christie's POIROT VIII
Ding Dingue Dong, FR, 2019
Les petits meurtres d'Agatha Christie Saison 2

UK/US covers

Collins / Fontana Books / HarperCollins

Dodd, Mead and Company / Grosset&Dunlap

Pocket Books

Pan Books

Berkley Books

other publishers


Western Europe covers

Les vacances d'Hercule Poirot

French index

Le Masque (#351) 1948

Club des Masques (#275) 1976

Le Livre de Poche (#1178) 1964

Le Livre de Poche jeunesse (#1098) 2005

other publishers

Overal is de duivel // Kwaad onder de zon

Dutch index

Das Böse unter der Sonne / Rätsel um Arlena

German index

Rätsel um Arlena

Das Böse unter der Sonne

Northern Europe covers

Mord på ljusa dagen

Swedish index

Solen var vidne // Mord i solen

Danish index

Solen var vitne

Norwegian index

Varjossa auringon alla

Finnish index

Sólin var vitni

Icelandic index

On kurjust päikese all

Estonian index

Ļaunums zem saules

Lettish index

Blogis po saule

Lithuanian index

Southern Europe covers

Corpi al sole

Italian index

Maldad bajo el sol / Muerte bajo el sol

Spanish index

Maldad bajo el sol

Muerte bajo el sol

Maldat sota el sol

Morte na Praia / As Férias de Poirot

Portuguese index

Morte na Praia

As Férias de Poirot

Το τσίμπημα της καρφίτσας / Έγκλημα κάτω από τον ήλιο / Έγκλημα στον ήλιο / Βια κατω απο τον ηλιο / Φονοσ κατω απο τον ηλιο

Greek index

Το τσίμπημα της καρφίτσας

Έγκλημα στον ήλιο

Έγκλημα κάτω από τον ήλιο

Βια κατω απο τον ηλιο

Φονοσ κατω απο τον ηλιο

Zlo pod suncem

former Yugoslavia index

Zlo pod suncem

former Yugoslavia index

Zlo pod soncem

former Yugoslavia index

Зло под Сонцето

former Yugoslavia index

Eastern Europe covers

Zlo pod slnkom

Slovak index

Zlo pod sluncem

Czech index

Nyaraló gyilkosok

Hungarian index

Зло под слънцето

Bulgarian index

Zło, które żyje pod słońcem / Zło czai się wszędzie

Polish index

Zło czai się wszędzie

Zło, które żyje pod słońcem

Hotel na wybrzeżu

Răul sub soare

Romanian index

Зло під сонцем

Ukrainian index

Зло под солнцем

Russian index

Evil under the Sun

Middle East & Asian covers

ბოროტება მზისქვეშეთში / უცხოური ლიტერატურა / ბოროტება მზის ქვეშ

Georgian index

Ölüm Oyunu

Turkish index

Günəş Altında Şər

Azerbaijan index

Չարիքն արևի տակ

אליבי ⁄ גופה על החוף הרקול פוארו / הרצח בנשף המסיכות

Hebrew index

شر تحت الشمس / جريمة على الشاطئ

Arabic index

شر تحت الشمس

جريمة على الشاطئ

جزيرة المهربين

الشر تحت الشمس

شرارتی زیر آفتاب / قتل با کتاب جادو / شیطان زیر آفتاب

Persian index

شرارتی زیر آفتاب

قتل با کتاب جادو

شیطان زیر آفتاب

جنایت در روز روشن

एव्हिल अंडर द सन

South Asia index

ইভিল আন্ডার দ্যা সান / ইভল আন্ডার দ্য সান

South Asia index

හිරු යට මරු / අනේ මට යන්න දෙන්න

South Asia index

Pembunuhan di Teluk Pixy // Kejahatan di Siang Bolong / Maut di Siang Hari

Indonesian index

เกาะมฤตยู / ตะวันสีเลือด / ฆาตกรรมริมหาด / ภาพลวงตา

Thai index





Tội Ác Dưới Ánh Mặt Trời / Kỳ Nghỉ Hè Của Poirot / Tội Lỗi Dưới Ánh Mặt Trời

Vietnamese index

Tội Ác Dưới Ánh Mặt Trời

Kỳ Nghỉ Hè Của Poirot

Tội Lỗi Dưới Ánh Mặt Trời

孽債情屍 / 艷陽下的謀殺案 / 豔陽下的謀殺案 / 艳阳下的谋杀案 / 阳光下的罪恶

Chinese index







Japanese index

백주의 악마

Korean index