Three Act Tragedy
Delicated to
My Friends, Geoffrey and Violet Shipston
Collins, London, Jan. 1935
Dodd, Mead & Co., New York, 1934 as "Murder in Three Act"
Saturday Evening Post, Jun.9-Jul.14 1934 as 'Murder in Three Acts'


Thirteen guests arrived for dinner at the actor's house. It was to be a particularly unlucky evening for the mild-mannered Reverend Stephen Babbington, who choked on his cocktail, went into convulsions and died.
But when his martini glass was sent for chemical analysis, there was no trace of poison - just as Poirot had predicted. Even more troubling for the great detective, there was absolutely no motive ...


First Act - Suspicion
1. Crow's Nest • 2. Incident Before Dinner • 3. Sir Charles Wonders • 4. A Modern Elaine • 5. Flight From A Lady
Second Act - Certainty
1. Sir Charles Receives A Letter • 2. The Missing Butler • 3. Which Of Them? • 4. The Evidence Of The Servants • 5. In The Butler's Room • 6. Concerning An Ink-Stain • 7. Plan Of Campaign
Third Act - Discovery
1. Mrs Babbington • 2. Lady Mary • 3. Re-Enter Hercule Poirot • 4. A Watching Brief • 5. Division of Labour • 6. Cynthia Dacres • 7. Captain Dacres • 8. Angela Sutcliffe • 9. Murial Wills • 10. Oliver Manders • 11. Poirot Gives A Sherry Party • 12. Day At Gilling • 13. Mrs De Rushbridger • 14. Miss Milray • 15. Curtain


Charles Cartwright • Mr Satterthwaite • Dr.Strange • Miss Milray • Rev.Babbington • Mrs.Babbington • Hercule Poirot

Films & TV

Murder in Three Acts, US, 1986
TV drama list
Three Act Tragedy, ITV/UK, 2010
Agahta Christie's POIROT XII
Drame en trois actes, FR, 2018
Les petits meurtres d'Agatha Christie Saison 2

UK/US covers

Dodd, Mead and Company

Collins / Fontana Books / HarperCollins

Avon Books

Popular Library

Pan Books

Berkley Books

other publishers

Western Europe covers

Drame en trois actes

French index

Le Masque (#366) 1949

Club des Masques (#192) 1973

Le Livre de Poche (#6075) 1985

other publishers

Drama in drie bedrijven

Dutch index

Nikotin // Tragödie in drei Akten

German index



other publishers

Northern Europe covers

Tragedi i tre akter

Swedish index

Mord for åbent tæppe // Tragedie i 3 akter

Danish index

Tragedie i tre akter

Norwegian index

Murhenäytelmä kolmessa näytöksessä

Finnish index

Morð í þremur þáttum

Icelandic index

Tragöödia kolmes vaatuses

Estonian index

Traģēdija trīs cēlienos

Lettish index

Mirtis "Varnų lizde"

Lithuanian index

Southern Europe covers

Tragedia in tre atti

Italian index

Tragedia en tres actos

Spanish index

Assassinat en tres actes

Tragédia em Três Atos / Tragédia em Três Actos

Portuguese index

Tragédia em Três Atos

Tragédia em Três Actos

Τραγωδία σε τρεις πράξεις / Θάνατος υπό δοκιμήν / Περίπτωσις δολοφονίας / Περίπτωση Δολοφονίας

Greek index

Τραγωδία σε τρεις πράξεις

Περίπτωσις δολοφονίας / Περίπτωση Δολοφονίας

Θάνατος υπό δοκιμήν

Tragedija u tri čina

former Yugoslavia index

Tragedija u tri čina // Nikotin

former Yugoslavia index

Tragedija v treh dejanjih

former Yugoslavia index

Eastern Europe covers

Tragédia o troch dejstvách

Slovak index

Tragédie o třech jednáních

Czech index

Tragédia három felvonásban // Hercule Poirot téved...?

Hungarian index

Трагедия в три действия

Bulgarian index

Tragedia w trzech aktach

Polish index

Tragedie în trei acte

Romanian index

Трагедія в трьох діях

Ukrainian index

Трагедия в трех актах // Драма в трех актах

Russian index

Трагедия в трех актах

Драма в трех актах

Middle East & Asian covers

ტრაგედია სამ აქტად

Georgian index

Üç Perdelik Cinayet // Üç Perdelik Trajedi / Kadehteki Zehir

Turkish index

Üç Pərdəli Faciə

Azerbaijan index

תעלומת הרצח הכפול / דרמה בשלוש מערכות

Hebrew index

جريمة من ثلاثة فصول / ساحر النساء

Arabic index

جريمة من ثلاثة فصول

ساحر النساء

الموت في وكر الغراب

مأساة من ثلاثة فصول

مآساة ذات ثلاث فصول

برج السموم

تراژدی در سه پرده / مهمانی شوم / قتل در آشیانه کلاغ

Persian index

تراژدی در سه پرده

مهمانی شوم

قتل در آشیانه کلاغ

(Marathi) थ्री अँक्ट ट्रॅजडी

South Asia index

Tragedi Tiga Babak // Peratjunan Dalam 3 Babak

Indonesian index

โศกนาฏกรรม 3 ฉาก / ฆาตกรจำแลง

Thai index

โศกนาฏกรรม 3 ฉาก


Bi Kịch Về 3 Cái Chết / Bi kịch ba hồi

Vietnamese index

謀殺悲劇 / 三幕悲剧 / 三幕悲劇

Chinese index




三幕の殺人 / 三幕の悲劇 / 三幕殺人事件

Japanese index





3막의 비극

Korean index